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on purgatory

Blessed Stephen prays the De Profundis

Blessed Stephen had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and would spend each night in some adoration before it. During one of those nights, he was alone in the darkened chapel with only a faint glimmer of light coming from a little lamp.

Out of nowhere, he saw another monk. Curious, he approached the monk and asked if he had permission to be out of his room at such an hour.

The monk said, "I am a deceased religious. It is here, by a decree of God's justice, that I must undergo my Purgatory. Because it was here that I sinned by indifference and negligence at the Divine Office." He continued, "The Lord permits me to make my condition known to you, so that you may assist me with your prayers."

Stephen was touched by these words and immediately knelt and prayed the De Profundis (Out of the Depths), which is a prayer for the dead. The Blessed monk also prayed other prayers and noticed a certain joy on the deceased monk's face.

Each night that Stephen prayed in the chapel, the deceased monk was there whose face seemed happier each time because each night of prayer brought him closer to heaven.

The night finally came when Blessed Stephen offered all the prayers that the soul needed. At that moment, the deceased monk was completely radiant and rose to heaven. As he ascended, the soul thanked Stephen for help setting him free. The happy soul eventually disappeared in the brightness of glory in heaven.