By filling up this form, you are expressing your intention to join the Indulgence Cooperative.

After submitting the form, you will receive an email on the details for the next step that involves making a personal vow.

Membership Enrollment Form


What we are

The Indulgence Cooperative is a group of men and women who gain indulgences with the intention of applying them to the deceased by way of suffrage.

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Our Mission

Empty purgatory by gaining indulgences and applying them to the souls in purgatory.

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Member's Pledge

To work for as many indulgences for those in purgatory.

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What is the cooperative?

The Indulgence Cooperative is a group of men and women who gain indulgences for the souls in purgatory

Join the Cooperative

The Indulgence Cooperative is a group of men and women who gain indulgences with the intention of applying them to the deceased by way of suffrage. (Norm 3. Manual of Indulgences. 4th Edition. 1999)

This is because when Our Lord revealed the Judgment of Nations, he explained that what we do to others, we do to him:

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.

MATTHEW 25:35-36, 40

In addition to that, St. Paul also explains how we are all a Communion of Saints in Christ’s one body, the Church:

For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another.

ROMANS 12:4-5

And so, since we have the capacity to earn indulgences, the Cooperative assists our brothers and sisters in purgatory by gaining indulgences and applying it to them in the endeavor to hasten their release. In such way, we join our works with Christ in “releasing prisoners.”

What is the mission?

Empty purgatory

In his general audience on 4 August 1999, Saint Pope John Paul II said:

Just as in their earthly life believers are united in the one mystical body, so after death those who live in a state of purification experience the same ecclesial solidarity that works through prayer — prayers for suffrage and love for their other brothers and sisters in the faith.

Pope Saint John Paul II. General Audience 4 August 1999

At baptism we became one with other in the Church; and when we received confirmation, we became soldiers of Christ. As we take up the fight, some of us have fallen and lie wounded in a place that isn't home. How can we leave a fellow soldier in an unknown land? We can't. And so we have a mission to take them back home so that there is no one left behind.

How do we do this? By earning indulgences and applying them to the souls in purgatory.

The Member's Pledge

To gain a plenary indulgence at least monthly, and daily partial indulgences for those in purgatory.

What is being asked of a member? To work for as many indulgences for those in purgatory.

Should you join the Cooperative, you will be asked to be conscious that we have brothers and sisters who need our help in purgatory and therefore:


Gain a plenary indulgence for yourself

Work for a plenary indulgence for yourself first, preferably in the next 30 days. Firstly, it follows the laws of self-preservation. Secondly, it brings you to a state where you can serve others better.


Gain a plenary indulgence once a month

Work for a plenary indulgence at least once every month for each of your close family and friends who have passed away. When you’ve exhausted people you can remember, give the indulgences to Our Lady so she, as queen, can dispense it to whom she wishes.

As a member of the Cooperative, gain a plenary indulgence at least every month as follows:


Go to Sacramental Confession

Good for several plenary indulgences.

Must be done 20 days before or after the prescribed work.

Receive Eucharistic Communion

Preferably done on the day of the prescribed work.

Pray for the Pope's Intentions

One Our Father, and one Hail Mary can satisfy this requirement.

Preferably done on the day of the prescribed work.


Pray the Stations of the Cross

In a place where there are 14 stations of the Cross.

Must move from one station to another, or if in a group, only the leader needs to move from station to station.

Those who cannot move because of disability can instead read and meditate on the Passion and Death of Christ for at least 15 minutes.

Pray the

Pray the Rosary

5 Mysteries prayed devoutly.

Completed at one time (not broken into different times of the day.)

Done in a Church or oratory if alone, or at home if with the family, or in a place that is usually used for a good purpose if with others.

Make Eucharistic Adoration

At least 30 minutes.

Read Sacred Scriptures

At least 30 minutes.

Text should come from a competent authority.

If you cannot read, you can listen to someone read it to you.


Make it a norm to gain partial indulgences daily

Make as many partial indulgences each day and give it to Our Lady to dispense them.

As a member of the Cooperative, with the intention of gaining an indulgence, you are asked to pray:

The Start of the Day

Let us pray. Direct, O Lord, we beseech you, all our actions by your holy inspirations, and carry them on by your gracious assistance, that every prayer and work of ours may begin always from you, and by you be happily ended. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Before & After Meals

Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We give You thanks, Almighty God, for all your blessings: who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Throughout the Day

Pray the Rosary.

Any time when having difficulty or expriencing some suffering:

Heart of Jesus, I trust you.

O God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Lord, I unite my suffering with your Passion.

At the End of the Day

Visit, we beg you, O Lord, this dwelling, and drive from it all snares of the enemy: let your holy Angels dwell herein, to keep us in peace; and let your blessing be always upon us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Be conscious of acts that gain indulgences

Make a habit of being conscious that certain acts and prayers can gain them an indulgence. And therefore, should annually get reacquainted with the acts and prayers that can gain indulgences, so he or she can make the intention to gain the indulgence when it is done.


Pray for the Cooperative and its members

Include the Indulgence Cooperative and its members in your prayers. Ask for strength in health and spirit for the members so we can continue assist the souls in purgatory.

Becoming a Member

What is the process of becoming a member?

  1. Enroll your name to our growing list of members.
    (We will ask your name, email address, city, country)
  2. Join the Indulgence Cooperative Facebook Group
  3. Make a personal vow to:
    1. work for a plenary indulgence at least once a month,
    2. do the prescribed daily prayers for gaining partial indulgences during the day,
    3. make it a habit to be conscious of acts and prayers that gain indulgence, so yearly should re-read the list of acts and prayers that gain indulgences,
    4. pray for the Indulgence Cooperative and its members.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

  1. Via email, you will receive monthly reminders on upcoming indulgences that are attached to dates.
  2. You will read updated stories of other members in their efforts to gain indulgences.
  3. Access meetings (face to face, and online) with other members.
  4. Co-members will be praying for you.

What are Membership Requirement?

  1. A baptized Catholic
  2. Not excommunicated

Why the Urgency

Because those in purgatory are suffering

The souls of our dearly departed are suffering as you read this, and they need our help to expedite their release from purgatory.

Saint Catherine of Genoa, in her Treatise on Purgatory illustrates the pain suffered there:

…it is true that they suffer torments which no tongue can describe nor any intelligence comprehend, unless it be revealed by such a special grace as that which God has vouchsafed to me, but which I am unable to explain.

Treatise on Purgatory. Saint Catherine of Genoa

Knowing this and not doing anything about it is like seeing someone trapped in a hole and taking a coffee break before doing anything about it first.

An interesting story told by St. Padre Pio to Padre Anastasio goes like this:

One evening while I was praying in the choir alone, I heard the rustling of a monk’s habit and saw a young friar moving around the main altar, as if he were dusting the candle holders and arranging the flower vases. Convinced that it was Fra Leone organizing the altar, and since it was the time for supper, I approached the banister and said to him: “Fra Leone, go to eat, it is not the time to dust and set up the altar.” But a voice that was not the one of Fra Leone answered me: “I am not Fra Leone.”

“So who are you?” I asked. “I am one of your fellow friars who did his novitiate here. For obedience I received the task to keep the main altar clean and orderly during my year of probation. Unfortunately, many times I was disrespectful to Jesus in the sacrament by passing in front of the altar without revering the Most Holy One kept in the tabernacle. For this grave omission, I am still in Purgatory. Now the Lord, in his infinite goodness, sends me to you so that you may determine how much longer I must suffer in those flames of love. Help me.”

I, believing to be generous towards that suffering soul, exclaimed: “You will remain here until the Mass of tomorrow morning.”

That soul yelled: “You are cruel! Then he screamed loudly and disappeared.”

That wailing created a wound in my heart that I have felt and shall feel all my life. I, who through divine delegation could have sent that soul immediately to Heaven, condemned him to remain another night in the flames of Purgatory.

Saint Padre Pio as told to Padre Anastasio

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Join the Cooperative and help release other souls in purgatory as speedily as possible.

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